Withdrawn From Sale

Tater Tot



Birth Year






Horse of a lifetime! That is exactly what Tater Tot is! She was born on the ranch and is absolutely one of everyone’s favorites. Pocket pony, babysitter, sweet, kind, confidence-builder, genuine, honest, tolerant, forgiving and of course SAFE. These are all words that describe this wonderful horse. Tater Tot has been all over the Bighorn mountains used as a wrangler and guest horse. She is the first one to meet you at the gate. Take her alone down the trail or in a big group of horses. Tater Tot crosses creeks, bridges and up and down any hill. She is not spooky and always tries to please. Tater Tot will do obstacles, sidepasses, has a comfortable trot and smooth lope. She is great for her baths and farrier and will load in and out of the trailer. For more information contact Darold Newman at 307-272-2759.

Height: 15.1 hands
Weight: 1175 lbs