Withdrawn From Sale




Birth Year






If the words gentle, safe, kind and fun are on the top of your priority list, then Dude fits the bill! Dude is one cool horse, who just loves to be with and around people- and he happens to be great at any job you ask him to do, from sorting cows, to trail riding and everything in between! Dude is one of those horses who catches you, when you open the gate he is there to meet you with a great attitude and an open heart that wins him friends everywhere he goes. We have ponied colts, doctored calves, worked brandings, sorted pens and I am here to tell you that Dude is a professional ranch horse who loves to trail ride with the family. Dude stands awesome for the farrier, great for the vet and loves his baths. I can’t say it enough, this is one great horse. Ridden by Ken and DeeDee McNabb. For more info: Ken McNabb 307-645-3149or email mcnabbdeedee@gmail.com.

Height: 14.3 hands
Weight: 1180 lbs