Withdrawn From Sale

Big John



Birth Year



Red Roan



Want to ride the hills on a big strawberry roan like Chick Bowdrie in Louis L’Amour books? Then look no further than Big John! He’s got the looks and color that are hard to beat. He’s done everything on the ranch that you could ever dream of from crossing cricks & rivers, packing camp in and out of the mountain, to catching cattle and branding calves! He’s as smooth as buttermilk on Grandpa’s farm and got moves like Michael Jackson. Big John is as gentle as a kitten, first one to meet you at the gate and easy to catch. This truly is a one-of-a-kind horse that you won’t regret owning! Good to shoe, looks for the bridle/halter when you go to put them on and loads/backs out of the trailer like the gentleman he is. Ridden by Kurt McNabb. For more info: Ken McNabb 307-645-3149 or email mcnabbdeedee@gmail.com.  

Height: 15.3 hands
Weight: 1280 lbs